
In today’s rapidly changing socio-technological landscape, industries and workplaces are transforming quickly. Technological advancements, such as task automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI), are reshaping the labor market by creating new roles that demand specialized skills, often difficult to source. The rise of remote hiring, fueled by technological innovation, has expanded the labor market to a global and multilingual scale. Simultaneously, social progress is narrowing ethnic and gender disparities within companies, fostering more inclusive workplaces.

Simultaneously, there has been rapid progress in the development and deployment of language-based systems, driven in part by the creation of the Large Language Models (LLMs). These advances are revolutioning the use of tecnology in Human Capital Management (HCM) and Human Resources (HR), enabling the generation of systems able to process large volumens of data and facilitate the identification of the best candidates for specific roles based on their resumee information.

Integrating language technologies into HCM significantly enhances key areas. In sourcing and hiring, these tools improve candidate matching by analyzing their skills and experience. During onboarding and training, they create personalized learning materials tailored to individual employee needs. For strategic workforce planning, NLP tools predict market skill trends and future company demands. Additionally, in career development, these technologies monitor employee progress, supporting targeted upskilling and reskilling aligned with both organizational goals and personal aspirations.

Despite all these benefits, the development and implementation of these systems present challenges such as:

  • Multilingualism: The global nature of modern workforces means that companies often need to manage employees and candidates who speak multiple languages. This requires language-based systems to not only understand and process various languages accurately but also to maintain the context and cultural nuances inherent in each. Developing systems that effectively handle multiple languages is a complex task that involves significant computational resources and sophisticated NLP techniques.

  • Fair models: Ensuring fairness and reducing bias is a critical challenge in HCM. These systems can inadvertently perpetuate existing biases present in the data they are trained on, which can affect hiring decisions, employee evaluations, and promotions. Creating fair and unbiased models requires careful data curation, continuous monitoring, and algorithmic adjustments to mitigate biases related to gender, ethnicity, and other social factors.

  • Cross-Industry Adaptability: NLP systems must be flexible enough to align with the unique requirements, standards, and practices of each sector, from healthcare to technology to retail, ensuring they are effective and relevant in various contexts.

The first edition of TalentCLEF aims to develop and evaluate models designed to facilitate three essential tasks:

  1. Finding/ranking candidates for job positions based on their experience and professional skills.
  2. Implementing upskilling and reskilling strategies that promote the coninuous development of workers
  3. Detecting emerging skills and skills gaps of importance in organizations.
Last modified September 2, 2024: Other updates (eff305e)